Two Figs with Ubriacone al Prosecco Mitica on Marble (the light, the shade), oil on linen on panel, 6"x7", Private Collection
the light, the shade
As I plan out my painting travels for 2015, I am hoping to include Italy in my travels. In honor, I was inspired to paint this still life on marble with a traditional Italian cheese in it.
This painting is part of my ongoing series "the light, the shade" that I began in December 2012. I wrote about Bob Lax and described my inspiration for this series here. Also, if you're interested, here's some information on Ubriaco al Prosecco Mitica (aka "drunken cheese") -- because of the process used to make it, the cheese's rind has remnants of grape leaves on it. I found it beautiful, and you can see it in the detail view below.
Since it relates to Italy and my travels and painting marble.... my #TBT (fan favorite paintings) is Clementine with Stem on Marble, which I completed while I was traveling in Perugia, Italy in 2009.
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