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Private Painting Mentoring Update (+ Paintings ending soon)

I've posted a few times recently about my upcoming workshops.

If you prefer private instruction -- working with me one-on-one -- without traveling to a workshop, I offer Private Painting Mentoring online. (The next Mentoring spot is available in late-January.)

Sometimes it's best to read what folks have to say who have gone through the process. I've put together some feedback from a few of the painters I've been working with, along with a short profile on their work (used with permission). If you're considering working with me, you may find it helpful to read these testimonials.

I am blown away by the amazing painters I've been working with and all the heartfelt applications I've received from folks in Europe, China, and across the US. I'm so humbled and honored.

Need more information?
  1. Private Painting Mentoring is an online program, so you can be anywhere in the world.
  2. Simple high-speed internet works fine.
  3. Yes, I do happily work with non-painter artists.
  4. Here's something perhaps relevant that I came across on facebook: 
Ending Soon: Candy Cane, 2013

Click to view auction (ends today 12/31 at 5 PM EST)

Ending Soon: PB & J (First of 2014)

Click to view auction (ends on 1/1/14 at 1 PM EST)

All my best,

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