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Clementine with Leaf from Testaccio Market, Rome (Italy 2015 painting #3)

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A lot of my time in Rome was spent studying Baroque art and architecture, but I also did a few still life paintings. This clementine was from the market right next to our hotel in the Testaccio neighborhood in Rome. It is known as one of the best "classic Roman" markets, and the clementines I found must have been freshly-picked since the leaves were still bright green and soft and shiny.

What is the Innernet?
After I solidified the idea for my new e-course, my dad shared his term “Innernet” with me. In 2001, he spoke about the concept at a WCCM conference in Texas after he had started up their Web presence. He said they first thought it was a typo. : )

I then searched the term online and surprisingly found only a few random hits. One needs to be shared: A spoken word poem video from 2012 entitled “The Inner Net – Are We Moving towards a Hyper Connected or Disconnected World?” by the talented spoken word poet David Bowden. David poignantly describes the Inner Net in some unexpected ways. It’s worth watching at least twice.

Register here. The course dates are June 10-16.

Ending Soon - tonight at 9 PM EST
Late Afternoon View from Assisi, Italy (Italy 2015 painting #1)

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