Here's feedback from a painter who took my last Yardley workshop:
"Since Abbey's workshop, I have learned to be more patient with myself and my color mixing and having a more positive inner voice when I paint. Abbey's philosophies about painting and life and how they are interconnected are present in the back of my mind when I paint.
I am primarily self-taught, so taking her workshop gave me great new information and fueled my creative energy at a time when I was feeling stuck. I liked the color mixing education that I got from the workshop. Abbey really took her time when mixing colors, incorporating several colors into each paint mix and I found that helpful to learn.
Abbey is a thoughtful teacher who provides a lot of philosophy and supportiveness to her students. Her dedication to education is evident. I found so many things that Abbey said in both the demo and individual instruction to be very helpful and will make me a better painter!"If you're on the fence, check out my last Yardley workshop photos or watch the video below.
Also, you can read feedback about my workshops.
To purchase my work, view my Current Painting Auctions and All Available Paintings.