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Still Life with Pohnpeian Cowry Shell, Forelle Pear, and Cherry (+ Artemisia = feminist icon)

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"one of the most talented followers of Caravaggio"

"She was one of the great female protagonists of the late-Renaissance art world. Forgotten in the 18th and 19th centuries, she was rediscovered in the 20th as a feminist icon...

"...At the age of 17, [Artemisia Gentileschi] made her debut in the art world with Susanna and the Elders, a daring work that broke Counter-Reformation taboos at a time when female artists were confined to still life and portrait painting."

"...'Florence was intellectually stimulating, Artemisia meets Galileo, and her paintings reflect his discoveries in astronomy. Her talent and erudition grow,' says curator Francesca Baldassari. 'And she becomes the first woman to be admitted to the prestigious academy of design.'"

"...After her death in 1654, Artemisia was forgotten — like Caravaggio. It was not until the 20th century that these late-Renaissance artists were rediscovered and a new appreciation emerged for their Baroque style, with its expressive, non-idealized figures that give viewers a sense of participation in the drama of the scene."

"...A painting by Artemisia was sold at Sotheby's [five] years ago for more than $1 million. But in a sign of a substantial gender gap also in the art market, a painting by her father, Orazio, was bought by the Getty Museum in Los Angeles in January for more than $30 million. And yet, with her intense colors and heroines at the center of dramatic narratives, the daughter's paintings far outshine those of her father." [Source]

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