Private Collection
I teach about it in my workshops -- but I often get many email questions about this topic -- so I thought I'd post a few health precautions that I've adopted. (These are things I have researched myself and that work for me.)
Here I am (to the right) in my gear for varnishing my paintings. I use a spray varnish, so my safety protocol varnishing includes the following:
- Know the material (research the MSDS for the varnish)
- Only spray varnish outdoors (be careful about heat and humidity)
- Wear an appropriate P-series organic vapor cartridge respiratory mask
- Wear protective gear so the vapors do not absorb into skin, clothes, hair, etc. This includes goggles, gloves, suit, and mask. (My suit has a hood, which I normally do wear, just not in this photo.)
- Research and follow proper OSHA Handling, Storage, and Disposal
- Find a local Approved Chemical Waste Facility
I know I haven't gone into too much depth here, but I hope this is helpful!
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