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Still Life with Green Pepper and Red Onion (& Half A Million Thanks)

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Note: This 24 hour auction ends on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6 PM EST.

All I can say is WOW. I am thrilled to report that my contest to give away 5 signed prints in honor of my blog's 5th anniversary was, by far, A HUGE SUCCESS. (If you missed it, details of the contest are here on facebook or here on my site).

My site recently surpassed half a million visits from folks in over 100 countries. With this contest, I had hoped to convey my gratitude for your amazing continued interest in my work. There were more participants and more new fans than I could have ever anticipated, and I've been overwhelmed with so many wonderful and inspiring emails, messages, and comments from all those who've been newly introduced to my work through this contest.

I'm truly humbled by the response, and now feel even MORE gratitude.
The arts are invaluable. 
This is the message you've sent by your actions and visits, and it's a true gift to me.


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