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Yellow Pear Wrapped in Green Tissue Paper No. 2

6 x 4 in., oil on linen on panel
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Something I've been enjoying lately is this blog by Regina Tingle. She's a writer from Texas who wrote much of it from her home in Italy, and now she writes from her new home in New Zealand (!). I'm excited about where it all comes from and where it's all going -- and will write more on that later -- but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy it. (<--- I recommend going back and starting at the beginning.)

Anyway, if you're interested, when I posted my first Yellow Pear Wrapped in Green Tissue Paper painting back in June, I also wrote about a painting that mesmerizes me. Click here to read the post.

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The auction for Still Life with Cranberries, Clementine, and Silver Creamer ends TODAY at 10:45 PM EST. View auction


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