Last days to register.
"A Painting a Day" and Alla Prima Oil Painting
John F. Peto Studio Museum
Island Heights, NJ
October 14-15 (1.5 day)
Saturday, 10-4pm
Sunday, 9-12pm
Limited to 12 students
Museum members: $210
Non-members: $235
"A Painting a Day" and Alla Prima Oil Painting
Artists of Yardley, Yardley, PA
November 11-12 (2 day)
Saturday, 10-4pm
Sunday, 10-4pm
Limited to 12 students
Members: $275
Non-members: $295
**Previous workshops sold out, so reserve your spot now**
**Inquire with me about attending only 1 day**
Contact me at if you have questions.
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