Heirloom Tomato with Handmade Bottle
4 x 3.5 inches, oil on linen on panel, framed
Email me for purchase information
Here's some last feedback from my recent Sedona Arts Center workshop:
"My biggest struggle is making painting and drawing a priority in my life and learning how to carve out chunks of studio time. I really appreciated witnessing your process, and what I liked best about the workshop was your amazing, gorgeous paintings, and your approach to painting as a daily spiritual practice.
I LOVED the entire format and the tone of the workshop -- it was a calm, relaxed, supportive, inspirational, and productive atmosphere. Everyone seemed to be there to learn and work. The Sedona landscape was spectacular, too! Can't wait to do it again!!!" ~Ann SaberiTo purchase my work, view my Current Painting Auctions and All Available Paintings.