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Handmade Heart Lollipop (+ 1 million visitors)

Click to view auction - 24 hour auction ends at 10 AM EST, Saturday 2/13
Auction has detail and framed views

Thank you. I wanted to take a moment to share my gratitude that my blog site recently surpassed 1 million visits. (It's actually 97,000+ visits beyond a million, but I didn't realize.)

In honor, I thought I'd re-post something I wrote in December 2014 that I hope might inspire you to pursue the things in your life that bring you the most joy:

"Painting for me is about paying attention and capturing a moment. Contemplative paying attention allows me to have an intimate relationship with my still life subjects. This mutual respect and exchange of energy manifests itself as gesture, movement, weight, edges, texture, and color harmony. I carefully choose from my collection of handmade pottery and local co-op produce, and it is magic to me that my subjects can be simultaneously meditative and animated.

Spending time pushing paint around is a way of life. It enriches my heart and mind and soul, and this motivates me to continue painting as often as I do. Seth Godin posted something this week worth considering:

'Daily: There's a fundamental difference between the things you do every day, every single day, and the things you do only when the spirit moves you. One difference is that once you've committed to doing something daily, you find that the spirit moves you, daily. Rather than having a daily debate about today's agenda, you can decide once that you will do something, and then decide every single day how to do it.'"

Eight years later, thank you so much for your loyal and constant support of my work.

To purchase my work, view my Current Auctions and All Available Paintings.
