Still Life with Figs, Pecorino Romano Cheese, and Temmoku Bottle (the light, the shade) (larger painting)

Still Life with Figs, Pecorino Romano Cheese, and Temmoku Bottle (the light, the shade)
oil on linen on panel, 2023, 11"x14"
Sold - Private collection

"Art after all is but an extension of language to the expression of sensations too subtle for words." ~Robert Henri

This new larger still life was inspired by an 11x14" painting I did 10 years ago in December 2013, Still Life with Figs, Bleu Cheese, and Temmoku Bottle (the light, the shade), which you can see here. The 2023 composition is loosely a mirror of the one from 2013. If you enjoy this painting, you may also like to see a bunch of my paintings of cheese or bottles or figs, or other paintings in my "the light / the shade" series inspired by the poetry of Robert Lax.

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